Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tools from AWCF to help GE integration

To assist any co-op in integrating gender equality (GE) in its organizational design and operations, AWCF developed the “Tools for Integrating Gender Equality (GE) in Co-ops,” through its GE Project in 2010-2012 with the Swedish Cooperative Centre (SCC). The three GE Tools, as described here, are the:
  1. “Tool for the Rapid Assessment of Gender Equality in Co-operatives”
  2. “Gender Assessment of the Benefits and Beneficiaries of Co-op Products and Services”
  3. “Gender Competency Perception Survey for Gender Focal Persons of Co-ops.” 
These GE Tools can help identify gender concerns in a co-op, thus assisting the co-op in crafting appropriate systematic actions. For inquiries regarding these Tools, please e-mail the AWCF Secretariat at
Here's a look at the three GE tools:


1. Tool for the Rapid Assessment of Gender Equality in Co-operatives

This Tool uses 22 performance indicators to assess the extent to which GE concerns are integrated in the organizational functioning of a co-op. In the computation and analysis of scores, the 22 indicators are classified according to the four entry points of gender mainstreaming conceptualized by the Philippines’s National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) in 2001. NCRFW became the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) after the enactment of the Philippines’s Magna Carta on Women in 2009. The four entry points of gender mainstreaming referred to by NCRFW are people, policies, programs/projects/activities, and enabling mechanisms. “People” refer to those who have a big role in ensuring GE in the organization. To create champions among these people, it is important to raise their gender awareness and build their capability in gender mainstreaming. “Policies” refer to leadership resolutions, pronouncements, guidelines, plans, and manuals that are meant to enjoin all people and units of the organization to perform their respective roles and tasks in achieving GE. “Programs/projects/activities” are concrete initiatives to promote and ensure GE in the organization. “Enabling mechanisms” are organizational procedures and systems that support the gender mainstreaming work. Also included here are the allocation of resources, the assigning of gender focal persons or teams, and the integration of gender principles in the project development system and procedures (i.e., situational analysis, planning and budgeting, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation). The NCRFW posits, however, that although the gender mainstreaming process can begin with any of the four entry points, it should eventually cover all points.

AWCF presents this Tool in MSWord and MSExcel formats. In MSWord, there is manual computation of overall scores and scores for each entry point. In MSExcel, each Tool is in a worksheet at the bottom of the file, and the scores are automatically computed, to be found in the Summary worksheet of the same file.


2. Gender Assessment of the Benefits and Beneficiaries of Co-op Products and Services

This Gender Assessment analyzes the comparative levels of satisfaction of a co-op’s male and female members with the co-op’s products and services. The premise is that GE initiatives of a co-op should ultimately redound to the equitable benefit of its members from both sexes. This Gender Assessment will also assist the co-op in identify areas for improvement of its products and services.


3. Gender Competency Perception Survey for Gender Focal Persons of Co-ops

This Survey helps Gender Focal Persons (GFPs) of co-ops assess their level of competency in performing their role in their co-ops. The GFPs’ role in their co-ops is very important because they take the lead and facilitative role in the GE process undergone by their co-ops, and they ensure the sustained mainstreaming of GE in the operations. With the results of this Survey, the GFPs can develop their capability development plan.

The Survey has 17 items based on a list of competencies a GFP needs to have in performing seven functions. These functions are:
a) study and review existing gender issues and concerns in the co-op
b) provide recommendations on policies and program of the co-op to address the identified gender issues and concerns
c) assist the GE Committee and the Chief Executive Officer/General Manager (CEO/GM) of the co-op in the preparation of the GE plan of action, and in the implementation of said plan
d) assist the co-op’s Education Committee in developing or improving gender-related training manuals and in conducting gender-related training
e) assist in forming a pool of gender advocates and role models
f) monitor and evaluate the progress of the implementation of the GE program and plan of the co-op
g) prepare and submit GE reports monthly and semi-annually, together with the GE Committee and the CEO/GM to the Board of Directors.


Note: The Gender Assessment Report
AWCF issues guidelines as support to the preparation of a co-op’s “Gender Assessment Report (GAR)” based on the results of the aforementioned three GE Tools. The GAR will conclude with a “Recommendations” section wherein the GE plan of the co-op is presented, containing the concerns raised by using the three Tools and the plan’s objectives, activities, target results (outputs and outcomes), timeframe, responsible persons/groups, and assumptions.

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