Saturday, January 12, 2013

Philippine co-ops give "Call for Action" for GE to Cooperative Development Authority

Call for Action to the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) to support Gender Equality in Philippine co-ops

WHEREAS, we the 15 Philippine co-ops that are partner-co-ops in the Project “Promoting Gender Equality Among Co-operatives in the Philippines” that was implemented 2010-2012 in the Philippines by the regional body Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF), with support from the Swedish Cooperative Centre (SCC), and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA);

WHEREAS, having undergone and continuing to undergo a gender equality (GE) journey toward becoming gender-fair organizations and workplaces that bring about socio-economic benefits for both the co-ops and members, with the following as some of the achieved common results as per Project objectives: 
•    Each co-op has its own gender focal person (GFP), gender role model, gender advocate, and GE committee
•    The GE committees of the co-ops have been placed in their organizational structure
•    The GFPs and the GE committees lead the co-ops’ GE programs that have, among other accomplishments—co-ops’ creation of plan and allocation of budget for GE activities; continuous GE training and seminars; integration of gender in various co-op programs and services; advocacy and linkages for GE of some co-ops with local government units (LGUs); and overall increased awareness of GE issues and concerns in the co-ops
•    The review and development and/or enrichment of the co-ops’ GE manuals and human resource (HR) manuals, as AWCF had worked with the co-ops to bring about the “GE-friendliness” of the provisions of their respective HR manuals, to benefit both women and men;
WHEREAS, having realized that as gender-fair co-ops, we the 15 co-ops from various localities in the Philippines have the opportunity to better disseminate the social and economic benefits of co-operativism to our total 449,844 members, which is a vital way of claiming our importance as a co-op organization that is part of a movement that has surmounted challenges from generation to generation;

WHEREAS, having also realized that as gender-fair co-ops, we the 15 co-ops may serve as role-models for other co-operatives and co-operators on the benefits of being gender-aware and gender-sensitive, and of practicing GE;

WHEREAS, we advocate that the formidable tandem between GE and co-ops can be attained in two fronts:
•    Gender-fair co-ops can explore and utilize practically endless possibilities as far as advocating for and strengthening GE in the whole co-op movement is concerned, to benefit more women and men co-operators
•    Gender-fair co-ops can also explore and utilize practically endless possibilities on how co-ops, as promoters of GE, can become even more effective vehicles for economic and social change, this being the dual role of co-operatives. Beneficiaries will be the co-ops themselves, the co-operators, and the communities;

WHEREAS, we note that the co-ops’ role in local, national, and global development is being recognized increasingly and more authoritatively by different sectors, and with our positive experiences in our GE journey, we hope that more of the over 20,000 registered co-ops in the country will be able to gain even better social and economic returns when they become gender-fair organizations that have gender-integrated policies, systems, and structures; and have gender-sensitive leaders, staff, and members;

WHEREAS, we also note that co-ops, even as they follow the “Statement on the Co-operative Identity” and “Co-op Values,” need also the continuing support and resolve from relevant agencies in order to continue pursuing their initiatives, including their GE initiatives and efforts—which is a win-win situation for co-ops and members, the end-result of which is that the co-op movement, as a whole, is fortified;

WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED, we the undersigned 15 Philippine co-ops therefore issue this Call for Action to the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)—being the most relevant government agency supporting co-ops in the country—to support GE mainstreaming and integration in the co-ops to bring about even greater economic and social benefits to the movement.

SPECIFICALLY, we call on CDA to:
1. Require gender-sensitivity training or gender-awareness sessions as one of the courses for co-op officers and key management staff

2. Require co-ops to engage in gender-related activities so as to address gender issues in their co-ops and thus become gender-fair and gender-responsive organizations and workplaces

3. Require co-ops to integrate gender equality in their bylaws

These aforementioned actions will cause co-ops to make GE one of their priority/primary actions so as to comply with the Rules and Policies Implementing Certain Provisions of the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008, Rule 11 Section 5, “Social Audit of Cooperatives.” 

ULTIMATELY, we, the 15 co-operatives, strongly urge CDA’s favorable response to this Call for Action beginning 2013.

This CALL FOR ACTION is issued this 6th day of December 2012, on the occasion of the “Public Awareness Conference on Gender Equality: Empowering Women and Men, and Co-ops,” at the Gateway Suites, Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines.

Signatures of the 15 co-ops' representatives present in the Conference, from the Board, management, and staff of the co-ops. All of them are involved in the gender equality activities of their co-ops.

Luzon Region

Abra Diocesan Teachers and Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative (ADTEMPCO)—Bangued, Abra
(Membership: Female 5389   Male 2537  TOTAL: 7926)
Represented by: Armelinda V. Favorito
Jay Frank V. Ramos

Ligas Kooperatiba ng Bayan sa Pagpapaunlad (LKBP)—Guiguinto, Bulacan (Membership: Female 8792  Male 3606   TOTAL: 12,396)
Represented by: Anthony S. Sese  
Princes L. Lanuza   

Nueva Segovia Consortium of Cooperatives (NSCC)—Caoayan, Ilocos Sur (Membership: Female 14,879  Male 4381  TOTAL: 19,260)
Represented by:  Janeth P. Abuel   
Bryan Elaydo

Sacred Heart Credit and Development Cooperative (SHCDC)—San Rafael, Bulacan
(Membership: Female 691  Male 320  TOTAL: 1011)
Represented by: Benito E. Santos          

St. Martin of Tours Credit and Development Cooperative (SMTCDC)—Bocaue, Bulacan
(Membership: Female 20,250  Male 9987  TOTAL: 30,237)
Represented by: Rustico U. Galang Jr.     
Raymond M. Cardenas  
Karlo F. Galang

Visayas Region

Don Bosco Network Multi-Purpose Cooperative (DBNMPC)—Balamban, Cebu
(Membership: Female 790  Male 1198  TOTAL: 1978)
-DBNMPC wasn't able to attend the Conference-

Cordova Multi-Purpose Cooperative (CMC)—Cordova, Cebu
(Membership: Female 8400  Male 3600  TOTAL: 12,000)
Represented by: Elsie Therese B. Arsua  
Nemeth Marie Ompad

Dumanjug Multi-Purpose Cooperative (DMPC)—Dumanjug, Cebu
(Membership: Female 8192  Male 1815  TOTAL: 10,007)
Represented by:  Mercedita S. Abella

Lamac Multi-Purpose Cooperative (LMPC)—Pinamungajan, Cebu
(Membership: Female 29,339  Male 10,859  TOTAL: 40,198)
Represented by:  Kenn Tenebroso

Metro Ormoc Community Cooperative (OCCI)—Ormoc City
(Membership: Female 65,000  Male 26,000  TOTAL: 91,000)
Represented by:  Jose Mosquite 
Adrian Avanzado

Mindanao Region
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MSU-IIT MPC)—Iligan City
(Membership: Female 27,740  Male 8784  TOTAL: 36,524)
Represented by: Dr. Eufemio L. Calio   
Ludivina G. Carbonell   
Ana B. Flores

Paglaum Multi-Purpose Cooperative (PMPC)—Plaridel, Misamis Occ
(Membership: Female 41,443  Male 7943  TOTAL: 49,386)
Represented by: Nela B. Quimno  
Marjon Villones   

Panabo Multi-Purpose Cooperative (Panabo MPC)—Panabo City
(Membership: Female 39,176  Male 17,104  TOTAL: 56,280)
Represented by:  Lalaine Y. Gepaya  
Leonardo R. Garcia Jr.

Pantukan Chess Club Cooperative (PCCC)—Pantukan, Compostela Valley (Membership: Female   Male   TOTAL:)
--PCCC wasn't able to attend the Conference-           

Tagum Cooperative (TC)—Tagum City
(Membership: Female 42,365  Male 39,276  TOTAL: 81,641)
Represented by:  Fe J. Adlawan  
Biogene O. Yagong  
Katherine Lou Arnilla

(NOTE: Original copy of this "Call for Action" submitted to the CDA on December 6, 2012 at the AWCF "Public Awareness Conference" through the CDA Executive Director  and then sent by AWCF on January 2, 2013  to the CDA Chairperson was signed by representatives of the above-mentioned co-ops.)

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