Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This is the third and last part of the video "Gaining Ground—Case Stories of Gender and Development in the Co-op." This video is an overview of AWCF's journey when it implemented two projects funded by MISEREOR of Germany: "Strengthening Gender Programs of Co-op Organizations in Asia" (1996-1999, extended to 2000); and "Enabling Women to Promote and Practice Transformative Leadership in Co-ops in Five Countries in Asia" (2002-2005). Five national-level AWCF member-organizations in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippines participated in the two projects. Each organization gained learning on various areas of expertise and practices of mainstreaming gender and transformative leadership (TL) in programs and services, and building women's empowerment in the organizations within the AWCF network, including increasing the role and participation of women at all levels and all sectors of co-ops; entrepreneurship development; training of co-op leaders on gender and TL; and policy advocacy, among other engendering actions.

In 2004, AWCF held a network strategizing workshop in Malaysia. The workshop surmised that the strengths, opportunities, and challenges that AWCF continues to gain and to face as a regional resource center and advocacy body on gender and co-ops are helping the network to further grow and develop. But, very importantly, the workshop also acknowledged that AWCF's learning and gains, particularly from its recent major project undertakings like the MISEREOR projects, are helping it to continue gender mainstreaming efforts in the members, as a network reinforced by individual organizational strengths. Overall, the strategies and learning from the MISEREOR projects that help AWCF promote, integrate, and strengthen gender work in co-ops are: capacity-building programs for member-organizations; gender equality and women empowerment campaign; publication of resource materials; networking and linkaging; development of monitoring tools; similar activities in all member-countries of AWCF that brought various results and impact, which were necessary and important for sharing experiences and widening learning and insights of each member-organization; fund allocation for gender and development (GAD) and TL; creation of a structure within the organization to look into gender integration within; and a gender equality and women empowerment framework from women in development (WID) to women and development (WAD) to GAD to TL.

Challenges that the AWCF network faced, and may still continue to do so, in implementing the MISEREOR projects are also included in this video for added understanding on the exper
iences of the AWCF network regarding the two projects, and the outputs of these experiences.

The full-length stories in this video are in the book published by AWCF: "Gaining Ground—Case Stories of Gender and Development in the Co-op." Inquiries on the book can be emailed to awcf@coopwomen.org

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gaining Ground—Case Stories of Gender and Development in the Co-op--Part 1

Message from the Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF): This is Part 1 of the video “Gaining Ground—Case Stories of Gender and Development in the Co-op.” This video is an overview of AWCF’s journey when it implemented two projects funded by MISEREOR of Germany: “Strengthening Gender Programs of Co-op Organizations in Asia” (1996-1999, extended to 2000); and “Enabling Women to Promote and Practice Transformative Leadership in Co-ops in Five Countries in Asia” (2002-2005). Five national-level AWCF member-organizations in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippines participated in the two projects. Each organization gained learning on various areas of expertise and practices of mainstreaming gender and transformative leadership (TL) in programs and services, and building women’s empowerment in the organizations within the AWCF network, including increasing the role and participation of women at all levels and all sectors of co-ops; entrepreneurship development; training of co-op leaders on gender and TL; and policy advocacy, among other engendering actions.

In 2004, AWCF held a network strategizing workshop in Malaysia. The workshop surmised that the strengths, opportunities, and challenges that AWCF continues to gain and to face as a regional resource center and advocacy body on gender and co-ops are helping the network to further grow and develop. But, very importantly, the workshop also acknowledged that AWCF’s learning and gains, particularly from its recent major project undertakings like the MISEREOR projects, are helping it to continue gender mainstreaming efforts in the members, as a network reinforced by individual organizational strengths. Overall, the strategies and learning from the MISEREOR projects that help AWCF promote, integrate, and strengthen gender work in co-ops are: capacity-building programs for member-organizations; gender equality and women empowerment campaign; publication of resource materials; networking and linkaging; development of monitoring tools; similar activities in all member-countries of AWCF that brought various results and impact, which were necessary and important for sharing experiences and widening learning and insights of each member-organization; fund allocation for gender and development (GAD) and TL; creation of a structure within the organization to look into gender integration within; and a gender equality and women empowerment framework from women in development (WID) to women and development (WAD) to GAD to TL.

Challenges that the AWCF network faced, and may still continue to do so, in implementing the MISEREOR projects are also included in this video for added understanding on the experiences of the AWCF network regarding the two projects, and the outputs of these experiences.

The full-length stories in this video are in the book published by AWCF: “Gaining Ground—Case Stories of Gender and Development in the Co-op.” Inquiries on the book can be emailed to awcf@coopwomen.org

Monday, March 14, 2011

This poster is produced for the "Promoting Gender Equality Among Co-operatives in the Philippines" Project of the Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF) under the "Advancing Civic Capacities for Effective and Sustainable Services to the Poor (ACCESS to the Poor)" Programme (2010-2012), supported by the Swedish Cooperative Centre (SCC), with fund support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

AWCF greetings on Intl Women's Day 2011


From the Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF), working as resource center and advocacy body on gender and co-op development, to benefit women and men in Asia.


  • Center of Agricultural Extension Volunteers (CAEV), Vietnam
  • Credit Union League of Thailand (CULT), Thailand
  • Credit Union Promotion Club (CUPC), Malaysia
  • Forum for Indonesian Cooperatives Movement (FORMASI Indonesia), Indonesia
  • National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO), Philippines
  • Socio-Economic Development Organization of Cambodia (SEDOC), Cambodia

Sunday, March 6, 2011

ICA MESSAGE--Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women

“Equal access to education, training and science and technology:
Pathway to decent work for women”
Message from the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), the world's largest body of co-ops, for International Women's Day, March 8, 2011.

On the International Women’s Day, the United Nations calls on local, national and international communities to focus on the importance of equal access to education, training and science and technology as crucial pathway to provide women with decent work opportunities.

Investing in women’s education has well recognised benefits not only for women’s own well-being but also for society as whole. The link between better education for women and the reduction of poverty and improved human development is well documented. Women’s access to education provides significant opportunity for self-empowerment. More educated women lead to better nourished, healthy and educated children, girls and boys, thus breaking the vicious cycle of intergenerational poverty. Indeed, we know that educated and empowered women are agents of family and community well-being, and thus catalysts for socio-economic development at the national and local level.

Today, the United Nations is asking the international community to go beyond just promoting education and training but to also enable equal access to science and technology to provide women better access to decent work.

Undoubtedly, access to education, training and science and technology are closely related. With lower levels of education and less access to training, many women lack the skills and experience needed to develop, produce and utilise new technologies. Moreover, since women’s businesses generally tend to be smaller and have less access to capital for investment in these new technologies, acquiring science and technology education and training which can empower women in all aspects of their lives remains a challenge. Facilitating and promoting access to technology not only will spur economic growth, but will enable women and men, girls and boys to create, receive, share and use information and knowledge for their economic, social, cultural and political

In today’s knowledge society, a truly socially inclusive society should make sure that it empowers all members of society without gender bias.

The co-operative movement’s principle on co-operative education, training and information is recognition of the important role the movement can play in this area.

Much has been done by co-operatives worldwide to provide women with life-long learning opportunities, not only through targeted programmes, but also through the direct participation in co-operative governance and management, representing important daily “learning by doing” experiences.

Many co-operatives have provided women with opportunities to become entrepreneurs and access decent work. They have enabled them to move out of informal and precarious job markets. They have improved access to credit, product and market information, technology and training in management skills and enterprise development.
The appropriate use of technology, especially ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has led co-operatives to create new opportunities for decent work, conquering new and more profitable markets and, and above all, improving access to information. We know for example that rural women co-operators in a number of countries are able to access information on best farming practices, pest and disease control, up to the minute market prices and weather forecasts through technology. This access has enabled them to improve both their agricultural productivity as well as
their livelihoods.

However, ICT not only improves economic efficiency, it has also provided an extraordinary way for co-operators, both women and men, to participate in technology development and create networks for sharing knowledge worldwide thus reducing isolation. Co-operators are using the technologies available to promote ‘co-operation among co-operatives’, another of the Co-operative Principles.

Consequently, co-operatives have an important role to play. By increasing women co-operators’ access to education and training programmes, they will facilitate more decent work opportunities for women. By taking advantage of the global co-operative network and fostering exchanges between co-operators worldwide with this enhanced capacity, they will be creating opportunities for collaboration among all co-operators. They will promote the transfer of know-how; they will promote the development and use of participatory and user-driven technologies and research programmes, to name only a few.

Therefore, 8 March 2011, International Women’s Day, we call on ICA member organisations and co-operators, to not forego the contribution of the large talent pool that women co-operators represent and to strengthen their commitment for fostering equal access to education, training and science and technology by providing women co-operators with targeted training programmes, particularly on new technologies, and promoting exchanges which can crucially work to build bridges and foster collaborations among co-operators worldwide.

Let us lead with good practice. Let us show what can be achieved when co-operatives enable women all over the world to reap the benefits of equal access to education, training and science and technology!

Dame Pauline Green
President, ICA

Stefania Marcone
Chairperson, ICA Gender Equality Committee

The ICA is an independent, non-government association which unites, represents and serves co-ops worldwide. The ICA was founded in London in 1895. Its members are national and international co-operative organizations in all sectors of activity including agricultural, banking, fisheries, housing, tourism, and consumer co-ops. ICA has more than 247 member organizations from 92 countries, representing nearly 1 billion individuals worldwide.