Monday, November 24, 2014

AWCF conducts training for co-op

The MSU-IIT NMPC with the AWCF trainers.
The AWCF, headed by its Executive Director Ms Sally Ganibe, conducted the “Monitoring and Evaluation Training” for the MSU-IIT National Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MSU-IIT NMPC) on November 21-22, 2014. The training was held in the Co-op’s head office in Iligan City, Mindanao region, Philippines.

MSU-IIT NMPC had 48 participants in the training--Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Election Committee, Credit Committee; branch heads and area managers from nine branches of the Co-op; and the management team from the head office. The Co-op's participants were led by Chairperson Dr. Eufemio Callo and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Emma Nieva.

As of December 2013, MSU-IIT NMPC serves 60,000 members and has total assets of PhP1.050 billion. The Co-op is one of AWCF’s partners in the implementation of gender equality projects in the Philippines.

More trainers for gender equality are upcoming

The “Training of Trainers (TOT) on Gender for Co-operatives” was conducted by the Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF) in Madapo, Davao City, Philippines. The TOT was held November 12-15, 2014.

AWCF continues to train more co-operators on the principles, values, and practices of gender equality that will cascade to even more co-ops and co-operators. In the ongoing TOT in Davao City, a total of 28 people are in attendance (20 females and 8 males) from 12 co-ops, the Cooperative Development Authority-Davao Extension Office (CDA -DEO), and AWCF. Ms Sally Ganibe leads the AWCF team as Executive Director of the organization, which is a resource center and advocacy body in Asia on gender and co-operatives.

The TOT is organized by the AWCF in coordination with the CDA-DEO. This year, AWCF has done other TOTs for co-ops in different places in the Philippines, with the co-ops represented by their Gender Committee and Education Committee, Gender Focal Persons, and human resource staff and trainers who will handle gender education in the co-ops.

CDA-DEO Regional Director Ms Elma Oguis (in second photo) gave a welcome speech at the opening of this Davao training. She shared how CDA--as the lead government agency tasked for co-op development in the Philippines--is supporting the mainstreaming of gender and development (GAD) in co-ops in the country.

It will be recalled that in November 2013, CDA issued Memorandum Circular 2013-22 that contains the guidelines on GAD mainstreaming in co-ops (see…/MC2013-22-Guidelines-on-mainstreaming-G…). In March 2014, the first-ever national summit on GAD in co-ops in the Philippines was held in Subic Bay, PH, co-organized by AWCF and CDA. The summit produced the "Declaration and Call for Action" that seeks to further strengthen the mainstreaming of GAD in Philippines co-ops so that these organizations can be even more effective vehicles for development (see…/full_declaration_final_gadsummit2014
(See also the video on gender equality produced by AWCF:



Thursday, November 6, 2014

TOT on Gender for Co-operatives done in Tuguegarao, PH

ONGOING: “Training of Trainers (TOT) on Gender for Co-operatives,” November 4-7, 2014 in Ugac Sur, Tuguegarao City (Region 2), Philippines, with 24 participants and speakers from 11 co-ops, the local government unit (LGU), Philippine government agencies Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), and the Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF).

The training educates members of co-ops' Gender Committee and Education Committee, Gender Focal Persons, and human resource staff and trainers in handling gender education in co-ops.
Organized by AWCF, in coordination with the CDA-Tuguegarao Extension Office (CDA-TEO).

UPCOMING: TOT on Gender for Co-operatives in Madapo, Davao City, Philippines, November 12-15, 2014.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

UPCOMING: Gender training for co-ops in Philippines

"Training of Trainers (TOT) on Gender for Co-operatives," November 12-15, 2014, Davao City, PH. Organized by the Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF), in coordination with the Cooperative Development Authority-Davao Extension Office (CDA-DEO).

Open to co-operators wherever you are in the Philippines. For registration, please contact:
AWCF by e-mail: or; OR by mobile: 09174579228; 09186354943; 09223856048. CDA-DEO (c/o Ms Margarita Bauto, Cooperative Development Specialist/Gender Focal Person) 09173614720.

For more information on gender equality and co-ops, please see AND

Gender equality video:

Thursday, October 9, 2014

ONGOING: Bicol region gender and co-op event; AWCF shares talk

The “Regional Cooperative Gender and Gawad Parangal (G2) Convergence and Awards” is being held October 9-10, 2014 in Legazpi City, Albay province, Philippines. Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF) Executive Director Ms Sally Ganibe is among the guest speakers. The event is sponsored by the Albay Provincial Cooperative Development Council (PCDC), Regional Cooperative Leaders, Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)  Region 5 office, and the Provincial Government of Albay.

The event’s theme is “Inspiring Change for Women and Men in Cooperatives.”  On opening day, Ms Ganibe spoke on gender and development (GAD).  CDA Board Administrator Ms Mercedes Castillo, another guest speaker, talked on GAD mainstreaming, the CDA Memorandum Circular on GAD in co-ops, and the “Declaration and Call for Action” done during the country’s first-ever GAD summit held in Subic Bay in March 2014. The Declaration, crafted by hundreds of participants from co-ops nationwide, elaborated on why and how GAD efforts in co-ops can be strengthened.

Meanwhile, the Legazpi City event has about 89 participants from co-ops in the country’s Region 5 (Bicol).  

Trainers training on gender in co-ops slated

A “Training of Trainers (TOT) on Gender for Co-operatives” will be held November 4-7, 2014 in Ugac Sur, Tuguegarao City (Region2), Philippines. Organized by the Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF), in cooperation with the Philippines's Cooperative Development Authority-Tuguegarao Extension Office (CDA-TEO).

The training is for members of co-ops' Gender Committee and Education Committee, Gender Focal Persons, and human resource staff and trainers who will handle gender education in co-ops.

For more information on the training, please contact--
a) AWCF: (e-mail) OR (mobile) 09174579228; 09186354943; 09223856048
b) CDA-TEO: (mobile) 09061316633; 09217303340, care of Mr. Francisco M. Natividad, Senior Cooperative Development Specialist of CDA-TEO

Registration for the training is on or before October 31, 2014.

For more information about gender equality in Philippine co-ops, please see:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

AWCF shares on GE with Metro Manila co-ops

Ms Salome Ganibe (in photo), AWCF Executive Director, was among the guest speakers of the “1st  Metro Manila Cooperative Congress” held September 26, 2014 in Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines. The Congress theme was “Responding to Cooperative Blueprint…2020.” Ms Ganibe spoke on the mainstreaming of gender equality (GE) in co-ops.

The Regional  Cooperative Development Council-National Capital  Region (RCDC-NCR) and the Metro Manila Association of Cooperative Development Officers (MEMACDO) convened the Congress, in coordination with the Cooperative Development Authority-Manila Extension Office (CDA-MEO).

The Congress objectives  
1. To elevate participation of women and GE within membership and governance to a new level (Co-ops are better because they give individuals participation through ownership, which makes them inherently more relevant in the contemporary world)

2. To assess the status of co-ops, their strengths and weaknesses; compliance status and development plans for each sector; presentation of profile of members; segregation of data, men, women, youth, leadership involvement of young leaders, women leaders

3. To increase  awareness on Asean integration and the response of co-ops toward the International Co-operative Alliance ( ICA) Blueprint 2020

4. To present development plans and programs of co-op by sector.  

The Congress gathered representatives from co-ops in Metro Manila, also known as the Philippines’s National Capital Region (NCR). Metro Manila has 16 cities and one municipality.

Highlights of Ms Ganibe’s presentation
Ms Ganibe pointed out to the delegates that with GE, women and men have the same value, equal rights, commitments, visibility, empowerment and participation in all spheres of public and private life. Pursuing GE in co-ops requires the acceptance and appreciation of the complementarity of women and men, and their diverse roles in society and in co-ops.

She emphasized that using gender as an analytical tool does not focus on women as an isolated group. Rather, there is recognition of the roles and needs of both women and men. Inputs from both women and men are required to achieve GE in co-ops.

She also stated that co-ops, in general, have mostly women members, but women’s large numbers in co-ops doesn’t automatically mean that they are empowered as individuals. Thus co-ops must ensure that their benefits reach everyone in the family/household. Gender-fair co-ops see to it that economic benefits are equitably shared between women and men, with their specific gender-related needs duly considered.

Ms Ganibe said co-ops should pursue GE for two reasons: The first reason is that promoting GE expresses the co-ops’ adherence to the universal values of equality, equity, solidarity, social responsibility, and caring for others as stated in the “Statement on the Co-operative Identity” of the ICA. The second reason is that the promotion of GE is a strategy or a means to achieve economic success (ICA Blueprint 2020).

Ms Ganibe also informed the Congress delegates of AWCF’s GE initiatives in the Philippines, as a resource body on gender and co-ops in Asia that operates also in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. She presented results of AWCF’s GE projects in the Philippines that have developed a number of gender-fair co-ops in different regions of the country. On updates on the continuing gender efforts in Philippine co-ops, Ms Ganibe said that, so far, advocacy (through a “Call for Action” from co-ops) to the CDA had been made for a policy pronouncement for the promotion of GE in co-ops; the CDA had issued a memorandum circular that contains guidelines for integrating gender in Philippines co-ops (November 2013); and the first-ever gender and development (GAD) summit for co-ops in the country had crafted the “Declaration and Call for Action of the Philippines’s National Summit on GAD in Co-ops” (March 2014). 

Ms Ganibe also explained that amid all the exciting developments for GE in Philippine co-ops, AWCF continues its advocacy in GE in co-ops by implementing gender-related activities. AWCF continues to conduct gender-sensitivity training and gender-related training and activities for men, youth, and the elderly. In the Philippines, the trainers’ training on GE in co-ops conducted by AWCF has produced, as of this writing, around 150 women and men trainers who can help address co-ops’ capacity-building needs on gender.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

AWCF caps 4-day gender trainers' training

On September 2-5, 2014, the "Training of Trainers (TOT) on Gender for Co-operatives" was organized and conducted by AWCF in Quezon City, Philippines. Participants came from Philippine co-ops, and local and national government agencies that promote co-op growth and development.

Through gender equality (GE), co-op development is strengthened even more, to benefit women and men co-op members, families, and communities. AWCF has been holding trainers' training for co-operators in line with its thrusts on gender and co-op development as a Asian resource center and advocacy body on these concerns. These training events are also in response to the expressed need of Philippine co-ops for assistance in gender mainstreaming in their organizations, as contained in the
"Declaration and Call for Action of  the Philippines's 'National Summit on Gender and Development in Co-ops
'" The Declaration and Call for Action was created during the National Summit on Gender and Development in Co-ops, with the themeInspiring Women and Men in Co-ops, held on March 25-26, 2014 Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines, organized by AWCF and the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). The Summit was attended by more than 568 delegates from co-ops and co-op promoting private and government agencies in the Philippines, with guests from some other Asian co-op organizations. Earlier in mid-2013, AWCF and CDA signed a Memorandum of Agreement for their partnership in gender efforts in Philippine co-ops.


On the last day of the September 2-5, 2014 gender trainers' training, the participants had the opportunity to showcase their learning from their different sessions. In this day's "Practicum/Demonstration of a Gender Training Session," the participants who had earlier been divided into four groups demonstrated how they will conduct a gender session. With their fellow participants acting as the "trainees" or "audience," each group (acting as "trainers") conducted a session with these respective themes: "Gender Concerns," "Gender Mainstreaming," "Gender Roles and Socialization," and "Gender Issues." Each group had an hour to conduct its session. After each session, each group received feedback on its session's content and style from the other groups, the AWCF training team, and guest CDA Board Administrator Ms Mercedes Castillo.

At the training's closing at the end of the day, some of the participants were asked to give their impressions about the four-day training they had. Among the impressions given: (female participant) appreciated the good comments given by the other groups to her group's demonstration of a session conduct; appreciated the well-run conduct of the training; (female participant) learned a lot about gender and how this learning can be applied to co-ops and other organizations; excited to share information and learning to the municipal mayor and other officials in the local government unit (LGU) where she works, particularly as she had earlier been tasked to draw up this LGU's gender program but for which she had no prior knowledge about gender; (male participant) thanked his group mates for supporting him as the lead trainer during their demonstration of a gender training session, particularly as he is first-time trainer because his work in his co-op was related to accounts and not to training.

As response from AWCF for the participants' impressions, Mr. Anthony Sese of the AWCF trainers' pool (who is also from the Ligas Kooperatiba ng Bayan sa Pagpapauland or LKBP in Bulacan, PH) briefly shared the gender journey of himself and the LKBP. He said that his own training and awakening to gender took some years through AWCF's development activities, and the institutionalization of gender in the LKBP also took some time. The gender journey is not always easy, especially on getting the support of officers and others who needed to be involved in the journey. But the effort is worth it, he said, although the work needs continuing advocacy and determination in order to be fully executed, supported by a plan and budget.

Administrator Ms Castillo gave an inspirational message to the participants, mentioning that her involvement in various levels and areas of gender advocacy began 25 years ago as a co-operator, including being involved in the beginnings of the AWCF, which was founded in 1990. She said that co-operators trained in GE are the catalyst for change in co-ops through gender advocacy. Gender advocates' continuing journey should be always nurtured, especially because they are one in the belief that GE results to stronger co-ops, families, and communities. There is always the first step for advocates, even for gender, she said, and there many more steps to take after this training. The gender journey is hard work and there are many factors or hindrances in culture and society (e.g., gender issues) to hurdle But there are good results to look forward to. Aside from being gender advocates, trainers/advocates are like gardeners who plant, nurture, and harvest later on the fruits of their work.

(Note: In November 2013, the CDA issued Memoroandum Circular 2013-22, pertaining to "Guidelines on Mainstreaming Gender and Development (GAD) in Cooperatives." The Guidelines are applicable to co-ops registered with the CDA.)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 1 and Day 2 of AWCF's trainers' training on gender for co-ops

Ongoing: The Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF)'s "Training of Trainers (TOT) on Gender in Co-operatives" started September 2, 2014 to last until September 5, 2014. It is being held in one of the hotels in suburban Quezon City in the Philippines, where 33 participants (27 females and 3 males) are taking part. The participants comes from primary and federation co-ops, local government units, and the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) of the Philippine government. 

Gender equality is one of the perceived ways of further developing co-ops, particularly in the Philippines where the CDA issued a memorandum circular to all registered co-ops in the country to promote and engage in gender mainstreaming. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Co-op trainers training on gender this September

The Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF) will hold the "Training of Trainers (TOT) on Gender for Co-operatives" on September 2-5, 2014 in the Philippines. Venue is the Great Eastern Hotel in Quezon Avenue, Quezon City. This TOT is for members of co-ops' Gender Committee and Education Committee; Gender Focal Persons; human resource staff; and trainers who will handle gender education in co-ops.

Interested co-operators can contact the Manila-based AWCF Secretariat for this training and other gender equality-related concerns. E-mail: or Mobile: 09178436390 or 09174579228.

WHY GENDER IN CO-OPS?--A Backgrounder

Co-operatives, being both social and economic enterprise, have a role to play in ensuring that the benefits gained from co-operation are equally shared by women and men members. This is warranted in two of the "Seven Principles of Co-operatives": under Principle 1) Voluntary and Open Membership,  and Principle 2) Democratic Member Control. In the Philippines, the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the New Co-op Law, Rule 11, Section 5 on Social Audit of Co-ops also requires organizations to show activities and programs on their contribution to the promotion of gender-fair culture and practices.

On November  18,  2013,  the  Philippines's Cooperative  Development  Authority  (CDA)  issued Memorandum Circular (MC) 2013-22 “Guidelines on Mainstreaming Gender and Development  (GAD) in Cooperatives" ( This MC on GAD aims at disseminating to the co-op sector the GAD mandate of the Philippine government so as to ensure the promotion of gender equality (GE) and the institutionalization of GAD in policies,  programs,  and other activities in co-ops.  Since co-operatives are the key development players in rural communities, GAD is important to co-ops’ sustainability.

GAD efforts of co-ops enable them to integrate GE that leads, in turn, to even more economic and social growth in the  co-ops because:
  • with GE, co-ops give attention to the needs and contributions of both women and  men members, and
  • equal opportunities given to both women and men help strengthen even more the co-ops and communities.

>National summit on GAD was held
In March 2014, the Philippines's "National Summit on GAD in Co-ops" was held in Subic Bay, Philippines, organized by the CDA and AWCF.  It was attended by 568 delegates from 429 co-op organizations. A "Declaration and Call for Action" of the National Summit  was crafted by the participants, which contained the co-ops' concerns and recommendations/resolutions about GE, and the co-ops' commitments in  bringing about and strengthening GAD in co-ops. The Declaration and Call for Action emphasized the mainstreaming GAD in the co-ops to bring gender perspective to all aspects of the co-op policy, development plans and activities, budget, mechanisms and instruments through buildinggender  capacity  and  accountability.

>TOT on gender for co-ops is made available
The TOT on gender to be held by AWCF is part of the GAD mainstreaming activities of co-ops. Co-ops need to:
  • capacitate people to support the continuing GE education of the co-op members, officers, and staff
  • update and enhance skills customized to the functions of the co-ops' Gender Committee and Education Committees; Gender Focal Persons; human resource staff; and trainers
There is the need to integrate gender in the co-operatives' education program and even in the human resource development program. Therefore, the TOT on gender for co-ops will aim to provide understanding on the basic concepts of GE and its importance to the kind of work that co-ops and other organizations do to inspire change for women and men--for the development of the co-ops.

Recognizing that there is still much work to be done in raising the GE awareness of both women and men in co-ops, AWCF will conduct this TOT on Gender for Co-ops to help trainers and advocates enhance their skills specifically in handling gender education.

As a Asian regional organization on gender and co-op development, AWCF works in and through co-ops in the region. Among its programs that had been implemented recently were capacity-building on gender for a number of Philippine co-operatives that have now become gender-fair and gender-sensitive organizations that enjoy the economic and social benefits of GE (see AWCF website 

Friday, July 25, 2014

AWCF conducts monitoring and evaluation training in Tagum Co-op

The "Training on Monitoring and Evaluation for Tagum Cooperative Programs," held at the Training Hall, Tagum Co-op Building, Tagum City, Philippines, July 22-24, 2014, was organized by the Gender Committee of Tagum Co-op ( Resource persons were Ms Sally Ganibe and Ms Tess Saliendra of Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF) (

The training was attended by 33 participants from Tagum Co-op's Board of Directors, Education Committee, Gender Committee, Youth Group, Human Resources Group, Marketing, and Car and Loans Group.

The training's general objective was for Tagum Co-op's program committees to be able to design a monitoring and evaluation (M & E) system as a tool for good Co-op governance. Specifically, the training will help participants plan, design, and implement a results-based M & E system within the Co-op; and demonstrate how an M & E system is a valuable tool in supporting good Co-op governance.

Tagum Co-op was organized in 1967 by a few members. It has grown through the years to be one of the most progressive and gender-fair co-ops in the Philippines, always seeking ways to even better serve its membership and community.

Photo from the first day of Tagum Co-op's M & E training shows Tagum Co-op's participants led by Co-op Chairperson Ms Norma Pereyras (4th from left) and other Board members, and AWCF's resource persons.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Trainers' training on gender equality in co-ops

ONGOING: "Training of Trainers (TOT) for Gender in Co-operatives"
Organized and conducted by the Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF)
Hotel Supreme Convention Plaza, Magsaysay Ave., Baguio City, PH; July 1-July 6, 2014

NOTE: The "TOT on Gender in Co-operatives" will also be conducted in the Visayas and Mindanao regions of the Philippines. All of the TOT conducts in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao can be attended by participants from any island groupings. Dates and venues of the TOT in Visayas and Mindanao will be announced soon.

INQUIRIES on registration and other information on this TOT can be obtained by e-mailing AWCF at;; and
Mobile numbers +639178436390 and +639175728895.

--All about the "Training of Trainers (TOT) for Gender in Co-operatives"  

Is your co-operative interested in implementing a gender program? Does your co-op want to enjoy the social and economic benefits of being a gender-fair and gender-sensitive co-op? AWCF invites all Philippine co-ops to join the:

"Training of Trainers (TOT) for Gender in Co-operatives"
WHERE  and  WHEN: To be conducted in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao regions, Philippines. Venues and dates of Visayas and Mindanao TOTs to be announced soon.
WHO:   For co-op's Gender Committee and Education Committee members, Gender Focal Persons (GFPs), human resource trainers, and other trainers who want to enable change and make change work for the continuous development of Philippine co-operatives
WHAT:   Training Objective: After the training, the participants’ knowledge, attitudes, skills, and capacity as gender trainers will be enhanced thus enabling them to organize, conduct and manage gender equality (GE)-related training activities in co-ops.
Specifically, the participants will:
   •     Understand and differentiate sex and gender, determine factors that influence gender, and reflect to build awareness of their gender situation   
   that affects relations with one another and with the co-operatives
   •     Commit to make changes in themselves and put equal value on men and women – their roles, contributions, rights, benefits; and break down
   gender issues and apply the new ideas to respond to the call of bringing about gender equality (GE) at home, work, and in the co-ops
   •     Have better understanding of the principles and concepts of the adult education training process, and be more skillful in the selection of
   appropriate training approaches and methodologies for effective conduct of gender training events
   •     Deepen their commitment in preparing a GE training plan of action to promote greater gender awareness within the co-ops.

 AWCF ( is a resource center and advocacy body on gender and co-op development. Since its founding in 1990, AWCF’s activities in the Philippines and five other Asian countries have aimed at helping support co-operative growth through the advocacy and practice of GE in co-ops. Toward this goal, one of AWCF’s foremost activities is giving training to gender trainers, GFPs, gender advocates, and role models who will be GE champions in their co-operatives and will, in turn, train and inspire even more gender-aware co-operators. AWCF has extensive experience in gender mainstreaming in co-operatives in the Philippines and in Asia. It works with various in-country and international agencies in designing and implementing gender and co-op development programs and projects.

CDA Accredited Training Provider (Accreditation Number: CTPRO 070)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Now online: Declaration and Call for Action of the Philippines's National Summit on GAD in Co-ops



The 12-page “Declaration and Call for Action of the Philippines’s ‘National Summit on Gender and Development (GAD) in Co-ops’” is now available online at

The National Summit on GAD in Co-ops was held on March 25-26, 2014 in Subic Bay, Philippines, the first of kind to be held in the country. The event's theme was "Inspiring Change for Women and Men in Co-ops." Organizers were the Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF), a regional resource center andadvocacy body on GAD and co-op development, and Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), the Philippines’s lead government agency on co-op development. Renowned advocates of GAD and co-op development were resource speakers during the two-day conference. Guests also came from other Asian co-op organizations.

labThe Declaration and Call for Action of the National Summit was crafted by the gathering’s 568 delegates (34% male and 66% female) from 429 co-op organizations (primaries, unions, federations, co-op banks), local government units, CDA, and AWCF from all over the Philippines. The Declaration and Call for Action contains the delegates' concerns and recommendations/resolutions about gender equality, and their commitments in bringing about and strengthening GAD in co-ops, which results to economic and social benefits for co-ops.

The delegates drafted this National Summit document through their workshop at the event. In this document, the delegates likewise exhort other Philippine co-ops and all concerned government and private agencies to continue strongly working together for GAD mainstreaming in co-ops.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

AWCF shares on GE in gender and youth congresses

AWCF Executive Director Ms Salome A. Ganibe was a resource speaker at the “Gender-Youth Congresses” of the MASS-SPECC Cooperative Development Center (MASS-SPECC), held May 1, 2014 in Madapo, Davao City, Philippines. She spoke on gender equality (GE) mainstreaming in co-ops. The other resource speaker was Mr. Perfecto Rom Jr. who is a democratized agriculture advocate.

MASS-SPECC is a federation of co-ops in the Mindanao region, PH. It is a leading force in the co-op movement as well as in GE advocacy. It established the Gender Equality Resource Center MASS-SPECC (GERC MASS-SPECC) in 2013, along with a number of gender-fair co-ops in Mindanao, to further institutionalize gender in its own organization as well as to assist other co-ops in their GE-related needs.

MASS-SPECC's Gender-Youth Congresses were attended by 114 participants (74 women and 30 men) from 37 co-ops in Mindanao.

On May 2-3, 2014, MASS-SPECC next held its “45th Co-op Leaders’ Congress” and “40th General Assembly” in Lanang, Davao City.

Ms Ganibe (right) at the gender and youth congresses of MASS-SPECC, May 1, 2014, Philippines.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Attention Philippine co-ops!

Philippine co-operatives, join this first-ever and important National Summit. Experience why gender and development/gender equality is good for co-op growth and the empowerment of women and men members. Download the Summit brochure/invitation now!