Friday, July 25, 2014

AWCF conducts monitoring and evaluation training in Tagum Co-op

The "Training on Monitoring and Evaluation for Tagum Cooperative Programs," held at the Training Hall, Tagum Co-op Building, Tagum City, Philippines, July 22-24, 2014, was organized by the Gender Committee of Tagum Co-op ( Resource persons were Ms Sally Ganibe and Ms Tess Saliendra of Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF) (

The training was attended by 33 participants from Tagum Co-op's Board of Directors, Education Committee, Gender Committee, Youth Group, Human Resources Group, Marketing, and Car and Loans Group.

The training's general objective was for Tagum Co-op's program committees to be able to design a monitoring and evaluation (M & E) system as a tool for good Co-op governance. Specifically, the training will help participants plan, design, and implement a results-based M & E system within the Co-op; and demonstrate how an M & E system is a valuable tool in supporting good Co-op governance.

Tagum Co-op was organized in 1967 by a few members. It has grown through the years to be one of the most progressive and gender-fair co-ops in the Philippines, always seeking ways to even better serve its membership and community.

Photo from the first day of Tagum Co-op's M & E training shows Tagum Co-op's participants led by Co-op Chairperson Ms Norma Pereyras (4th from left) and other Board members, and AWCF's resource persons.